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About Magzter
Magzter is a digital magazine platform that provides a subscription service offering many popular magazines, newspapers, and other publications digitally worldwide. Users can access a vast collection of magazines through Magzter, read their favorite publications digitally, and explore content on various topics through this platform.
Magzter is available as a mobile application on platforms such as iOS and Android, and it can also be accessed through web browsers. Subscribers typically have unlimited access or a certain number of magazine reads for a monthly fee. This platform offers users the opportunity to read and explore print publications in a digital format, providing a digital media service.
Magzter Saving Tips
Subscribe to Gold Plans
Indulge in a world of content with Magzter Gold subscription plans, granting you access to a diverse collection of over 5,000 magazines and a plethora of premium stories. Explore their website to discover the array of Gold plans available, tailored to meet your specific preferences and interests. Dive into a rich reading experience like never before!
Browse the Latest Offers
Unlock substantial savings of up to 90% by seizing the latest Magzter bargains showcased on their Offers page. Navigate to their website, explore the Offers menu, and peruse through the ongoing discount specials and Magzter promo codes to elevate your savings to new heights. Don't miss out on the chance to enhance your reading experience while keeping more money in your pocket.
Enjoy a Seven-Day Free Trial
Explore their gold subscription plans and see if one fits your needs by trying it out at no charge for seven days. Click Start Your Seven-Day Free Trial on their homepage and enjoy complimentary access to over 5,000 virtual magazines.
Download the Magzter App
Access a vast wealth of global information with the Magzter app, offering over 13,000 magazines in digital format. Expand the hamburger button located at the top-left corner of their homepage to download the app. Opt for the Apple App Store if you're using an iPhone or choose Google Play for your Android phone. Enjoy swift access to a world of digital content at your fingertips!
Follow Them on Social Media
Stay updated on the newest Magzter coupons, promotions, and releases by exploring their social media platforms. Enhance your chances of saving on magazine subscriptions by following @mobilemagzter on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Keep yourself informed and make the most of the exciting opportunities in the world of digital magazines.
Contacting Magzter Customer Service
You can contact the Magzter customer service team via live chat on about any inquiry regarding your order. Contact Now
Magzter New Customer Discount
Magzter offers exclusive discount codes for new customers. You can obtain these through
How To Apply a Magzter Discount Code
Redeeming your code:
Here's how to redeem a Magzter discount code and save on your online order:
How to use Magzter Discount Coupons/Deals?
Click on Magzter Visit Store Button or Click on any Offer or Deal to visit Magzter Store.
You will be redirected to Magzter Website/Mobile App.
Add Products of your desire at Magzter to your cart and Proceed to Checkout.
Apply Coupon to get a discount at Magzter in your Cart/In case of Deal, the discount is already given and applied to the price on Magzter.
Make Payment to complete the purchase at Magzter.
Please make sure you read all Terms and Conditions related to Offer/Deal making the purchase at Magzter.